Quick Installation

Updated at: Jan. 30, 2024

How to Install the eCommerce Engine Script


Quick Start Guide

This guide will help you seamlessly install the eCommerce Engine Script. Follow these simple steps to get started:


Step 1: Prepare the Installation File

  1. Download and Extract: After purchasing the script, download the .zip file to your computer.
  2. Locate engine.zip: Inside the extracted folder, find the InstallEngine.zip file.


Step 2: Upload to Your Server

  1. Transfer to Server: Upload the InstallEngine.zip file to your server's public_html directory, or any other directory where you wish to run the script.
  2. Unzip: Extract the contents of  InstallEngine.zip  in the chosen directory.


Step 3: Database Setup

  1. Create Database: Go to your server’s MySQL section and create a new database.
  2. Database User: Create a new MySQL user and assign it to the database you've just created.


Step 4: Begin Installation

  1. Access Your Site: Navigate to your website URL. The installation process should start automatically.
  2. Installation Wizard: Click 'Start Installation Process'.


Step 5: Check File Permissions

  1. Permissions Page: You'll be directed to the 'Checking File Permission' page.
  2. Proceed: If all permissions are correct, click 'Go to the next step'.


step 6: Database Configuration

  1. Database Details: Enter your Database Host, Name, Username, and Password.
  2. Continue: Click 'Continue' after filling in the details.


Step 7: Import SQL File

  • Follow the instructions to import the SQL file into your database.


Step 8: Site Information

  1. Fill Details: Enter the required information about your website.
  2. Finalize: Click 'Continue'.


Step 9: Final Steps

  1. Completion: After the installation completes, click 'Go to admin/ceo to the admin panel'.



Tips for a Smooth Installation:

  • Ensure you're working in a stable internet environment to avoid interruptions.
  • Keep your database details handy before starting the installation process.
  • If you encounter any issues, refer to the video tutorial for step-by-step visual instructions.

For further assistance or queries, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to ensure a smooth setup experience for you!