How to obtain Stripe credentials

Updated at: Feb. 4, 2024

To obtain Stripe credentials more detailedly:

  1. Create/Log into Your Stripe Account: If you're new, sign up at Stripe's website. Existing users can log in.

  2. Access the Dashboard: Once inside your Stripe account, navigate to the dashboard.

  3. Locate API Keys: In the dashboard, find the 'Developers' section in the sidebar. Under this, click on 'API Keys'.

  4. API Keys Details: Here, you'll find two types of keys:

    • Publishable Key: Used in client-side code.
    • Secret Key: Used in server-side code.
  5. Test and Live Modes: Stripe provides separate keys for testing ('Test' mode) and real transactions ('Live' mode). Use 'Test' keys for development and switch to 'Live' keys for real transactions.

  6. Secure Your Keys: Keep these keys confidential. Especially the Secret Key should never be exposed in client-side code.

  7. Use in Your Application: Integrate these keys into your application's payment settings.

For in-depth guidance, refer to Stripe’s documentation or contact their support for assistance.